West Spring Shooting: sport psychological session

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

sport psychological session

Sports Psychological Session (Tty)

All Shooters are recommended to read this as it is very helpful! =D

-Goals are stepping stones to success!


-Specific------>Should be as specific as possible to focus attention.
-Measurable->To assess progress against standard.
-Accepted---->To both you and your coach.
-Realistic----->Challenging but within your ability/capability.
-Time Phase->With a specific date to complete.
-Exciting----->Inspiring,challenging and rewarding to you.
-Recorded--->Write down by you and coach to evaluate progress.

>> Reflections -->for bad training?(etc.)<<

~Why we need to set goals??~

Setting effective goals:
*Increase motivation to train and achieve.
*Improve focus and quality of training.
*Make journey more challenging and meaningful.
*Achieving goals increase pride,satisfaction and self-confidence.

~Opponent is oneself!~

-Outcome goal and Action goal-
*Outcome Goals give us a direction to move to.
*Action Goals help us reach that destination.

~Goal Setting Summary~
.Stay positive
.Identify strategies to achieve goals
.Have others help you achieve your goals

-->Gives ownself confidence.


Focus in the process/action goals.

-Outcome goals motivates:
To continue on short term goals

*One must be willing to accept the goals in order to reach them.
-Giving up wastes everything that one had done.

**The only opponent is oneself.To win,we will have to focus on our own.Bothering about others provides unnecessary messages that generate useless reactions which can cause one to have negative thinking/ways of doing things.To beat our own,we will have to reflect and think of ways to improve.

**If one does not reflect,he will forever be at the stage he last stood at, wasting time and effort.One must set a goal that moltivates to move on and encourage when there is any obstacles/difficulties.

**Do not think that we have a limited amount of talent.That will obstruct us from going further.Doing one's best is not good enough,we must think of our own's ways of doing things(In this case,our shooting techniques).We must reflect to find out our faults,eliminating all obstacles in order to strive! =D

~Mental Qualities~

How to improve mental qualities?


-Willing to work hard/Do best for everything that has got to be related to shooting.
-They are very vigilant(know own's faults)
-They understand that to realise their dreams,they will have to undergo a process, that they will need to pay off years of efforts.


-Plan a SMARTER Goal.
-Through many experiences,experience successful techniques.
-Positive self-talks.
-Trust the ones that can be trusted.


-Find the source of panic.
-Body:Relax,Control breathing.
-Expectations:Use positive self-talks;reconstruct correct expectations,(self)
-Most important thinking:Control what can be controlled;Keep it simple;Body and mind bonded;To do what has been planned before under pressure(Unchangable plan)[Before competition]
-Do what one is ought to do.BE POSITIVE
-Dont think etc stuffs.(More messages from the brain,cause more reactions)

**Just think about making the perfect move(Techniques that we used to shoot.)As thinking of hitting tens causes reactions that affects one's actions.
->Only think about the correct action,Dont think of unnecessary stuff,If not it will affect your concentration.


-Decide what to focus on!
-Construct a process/schedule.
-Think of what that affects us,then come out with the solutions.
-Training simulations.

Usage of Mental Qualities:4C's
-During preparation
-During competition
-When an obstacle occurs
-Planning the competition plan(The Limitations)
-Under difficultities
-After competition's reflection/review
-Outside the range

-----------------------------End For Part 1------------------------------



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